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  1. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    European immigrants absolutely adore them. More adventurous people will also buy them to make gooseberry ... contents, and their many uses. Currants are tart and mostly used in North America for making jellies, ... A comprehensive marketing program is needed to make the Ribes industry viable. A few farmers in Ohio have planted ...

  2. About Linda Lobao

    localities, households, and individuals; and in turn, how people respond to the market/state changes they ...

  3. Tri-State High Tunnel School

    at multiple locations across three states. To make sure you are registering for the correct host site ...

  4. Food Safety Training & Certification

    Please make checks payable to  OSU Extension. Once received and enrolled, participants will receive two ...

  5. Young Professionals Night THURSDAY

    would like to send in your resume for review, please attach it as a PDF and make sure your name is in ...

  6. Student advances soil science and carbon sequestration research with SI student grant

    construction industry to make construction and cement production more environmental-friendly while developing ...

  7. Raising Meat Chickens

    coccidiosis. If chicks are vaccinated for coccidia at the hatchery, make sure they are not fed medicated chick ... starter—it could inactivate the vaccine. Before purchasing chicks, make sure the seller is a reputable ... temperature. Make sure a thermometer is available to check that your storage method keeps a constant ...

  8. Get ready for Buckeye Love!

    your roommate a coffee. Let’s make sharing kindness go viral. #ShareKindness. ...

  9. Making eXtreme Camp Counselors Workshop (MXC)

    Making eXtreme Counselors (MXC)--an interactive and quick-paced training that offers innovative camp ...

  10. Soil Testing for Ohio Lawns, Landscapes, Fruit Crops, and Vegetable Gardens

    for making plant selection decisions based on “the right plant in the right place” and a soil test can ... enthusiasts make decisions that support good plant health and save money! A standard soil test will provide ... time of the year to make a lime application to raise the soil pH, while spring is the most appropriate ...
