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Communiqué January 22, 2014
many generous people throughout the year, it would not have been manageable. I have received a very ... Cleveland, will enhance attendees’ ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and ... of county Extension directors. Extension offices may start getting calls from people requesting ...
Christmas Trees Living Large: A Photo Tour in Secrest Arboretum
said. “People tend to plant Norway and blue spruce simply because they’re easy to find, cheap and ...
Web Site Helps Beginning Farmers
Program. The resource tool is designed to guide people of all ages through the process of launching ...
Putnam County Extension Educator Honored for His Work
his job approach. He has a great sense of humor and a passion for the organization and the people in ...
Ohio Sentinel Plots Track Downy Mildew
damage," said Miller. "Downy mildew has a way of fooling people." The sentinel plots have been ...
New Insight on Pollinators May Aid Strawberry Production
bees, affect strawberry fruit set, development and yield. "People used to think that honey bees ...
Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Osage Orange You Glad to See One? (for the Week of Nov. 2, 2008)
at me-ly, Twig P.S. People use latex to make rubber. They usually get that latex from the Pará rubber ...
Cleveland, Other Cities Could Produce Most of Their Food: Ohio State Study
Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and OSU Extension. "The first thing people say when ...
More Rain Could Mean Higher Corn Prices
where we are talking about abandonment where people are taking payments because they couldn't get ...
Communiqué June 24, 2015
Be warned that people can still respond to any surveys that are active (even with the BASIC plan)! ...