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  1. Dining with Diabetes Cooking Course

    designed for people with diabetes AND family members or caregivers. There is no charge to participate, but ...

  2. Dining with Diabetes Cooking Course

    designed for people with diabetes AND family members or caregivers. There is no charge to participate, but ...

  3. Online Backyard Poultry Course

    flocks provide the opportunity for people in rural and urban areas alike to produce tasty eggs and meat ...

  4. Urban Ag Production

    WHY Many people are involved in urban ag production, based on multiple interests in what, where, how, ... Ohio's urban, suburban, and rural communities. People are involved with urban ag production at home, ...

  5. SFMA from Jake Miller's Point of View

    networking with people. You never know who you might meet, and it could lead to a job opportunity that you ...

  6. Registration Open for Dining with Diabetes Classes

    Diabetes, a cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their ...

  7. SENR Announcements, January 24

    Folch, Miquel Salgot, Audrey H. Sawyer. Water Table Fluctuations Control Nitrate and Ammonium Fate in Coastal ...

  8. Backyard Poultry Certificate Course Now Available

    increase in interest in keeping backyard poultry. Backyard flocks provide the opportunity for people in ...

  9. The Waddle Works: Staying On Your Feet When Ice and Snow Are Issues

    for you.           Fear of falling can be just as dangerous as falling itself. People who develop this ... their interactions with family and friends. A Matter of Balance can help people improve their quality of ...

  10. Cloverbuds explore the Cincinnati Zoo

    gaining a greater understanding of differences and similarities between people and animals. At the manatee ...
