Congratulations to Raksha Suresh and Kush Yadav on being awarded CFAES Internal Grants to support their research. The CFAES Internal Grants Program (IGP) Graduate Competition is a unique funding opportunity for CFAES graduate students and is designed to accomplish the following objectives:
- Provide graduate students with an opportunity to gain experience with research methods in food, agriculture, environmental sciences, human ecology and related social sciences.
- Introduce graduate students to the grant-writing and peer-review processes.
- Stimulate faculty-graduate student collaborations and mentoring of graduate students by CFAES faculty.
The CFAES Internal Grants, funded through the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education will help support the following research projects:
Raksha - "Evaluation of nanoparticle-based oral salmonella vaccine for controlling the transmission of the bacteria to eggs"
Kush - “Understanding Male Reproductive Tissue Contribution in Hepatitis E Virus Spread”