Congratulations to CFAES award winners from FAHRP

April 23, 2019

The 2019 CFAES Annual Research Conference was held April 22 on the Columbus campus. Gary Pierzynski, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, gave an update. Faculty and staff received recognition for their accomplishments and there was a poster competition. Several award winners are from FAHRP.

Congratulations to:

Dr. Chang Won “Charles” Lee - CFAES Senior Faculty Research Award.

Dr. Vishal Srivastava - Third Place Poster Award in the Postdoc category for his poster "Control of bacterial leaf spot (BLS) disease of Tomato using novel small molecule growth inhibitors." Vishal is in Dr. Rajashekara's lab.

Dr. Pat Boley - Third Place Poster Award for Research Assistant/Associate category for her poster "Infection and transmission of porcine delta coronavirus in commercial poultry." Pat is in Dr. Kenney's lab.