CFAH welcomes eight undergraduate students for the summer

May. 20, 2022

CFAH is excited to welcome eight undergraduate students to the department for the summer. These eight students will be joining us as student assistants and summer interns.

Gourapura lab

  • Jamie Ogle - Student Assistant

Kenney lab

  • Jake Hofstetter - ORIP
  • Kara Flaherty - Animal Science Summer Intern

Rajashekara/Kauffman lab

  • Audrey Murray - Student Assistant
  • Ellen Yoon - Student Assistant

Vlasova lab

  • Francis Sim - ORIP
  • Nurain Amier - ORIP
  • Kyra Davidson - Animal Science Summer Intern


OSU Research Internship Program (ORIP)

During the 10 week summer program students will work alongside CFAH faculty, staff, and graduate students on various research projects while networking with their peers and exploring scientific career options within animal and public health sciences. The goal of ORIP is to expand research opportunities to area students and to enhance their interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by fostering critical thinking skills through laboratory and field-based research experiences, seminars, group discussions and symposia. 

High school and undergraduate students interested in future summer ORIP sessions on the CFAES Wooster Campus can find more information HERE

Department of Animal Sciences Internship Program

The goals of the Animal Sciences internship experience are to provide an experiential learning opportunity for Ohio State Animal Sciences students to apply the concepts, knowledge, and skills gained during their undergraduate education to real world situations as they connect theory with practice. Students completing pre-approved internship experiences are eligible to register for academic credit through ANIMSCI 3191 (for Animal Sciences majors) or MEATSCI 3191 (for Meat Science majors) - this course fulfills the CFAES General Education Internship course requirement.

Undergraduates within the CFAES Department of Animal Sciences interested in completing an internship within CFAH can find more information HERE

Student Assistant Positions

Student Assistants within CFAH are integral members of the laboratory team. Students collaborate with their laboratory supervisor in care and maintenance of the laboratory and assist their Principal Investigator(s) further on research projects. This summer Audrey and Ellen will be assisting Dr. Rajeshekara (PI) and Mike Kaufman with ODA project “FSMA water standard for surface irrigation water in tomato production using high tunnel drip-line systems”, while Jamie will be assisting Dr. Gourapura (PI) and Jen Schrock with current projects from Reckitt Benckiser ”In vitro screening of Reckitt test compounds” and USDA-AFRI “Development of new swine reagents to broaden our understanding of immune correlates of protection and microbial pathogenesis”.

Students interested in future Student Assistant positions should search open positions located on the Wooster Campus through Workday