Food Animal Health Seminar

Apr 20, 2023, 11:00am - 12:00pm
CFAH Room 112, 1323 Ferguson Dr, Wooster OH 44691
Dr. Scott Kenney

Food Animal Health Seminar

Those interested in attending the public forum held every Thursday of Spring Semester are welcome to attend in-person within CFAH room 112 or via Zoom

Contact Dr. Scott Kenney ( for more information



January 19th - Kush Kumar Yadav "The Expanding Host Range and Cross Species Transmission Potential of Rocahepevirus ratti"

January 26th - Thaina Landim De Barros - “HPAI Beyond Poultry Health”

February 2nd - Carolyn Lee “Engineering an African Swine Fever Virus Multiepitope Protein for Use in an ASF Nanoparticle-based Subunit Vaccine”

February 9th - Juliet Chepngeno - "Vitamin A Deficiency and Vitamin A Supplementation Alters Humoral and Passive Immune Responses to Rotavirus A Infection in a Conventional Sow Model" and Shonna Smith - "Emergence and Global Spread of Listeria monocytogenes Main Clinical Clonal Complex"

February 16th - Dr. Joy Scaria - "Utilizing Microbiome Science to Improve Host Health and to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance"

February 23rd - Yu Li and Raksha Suresh

March 9th - Shuja Majeeh and Faith Oster 

March 23rd - Saroj Khatiwada and Thamonpan Laocharoensuk

March 30th - Anusree Thenissery

April 6th - Orhan Sahin

April 13th - Mingde Liu and Bindu Adhikari

April 20th - Menuka Bhandari